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Crafting Your Brand Messaging For Your Target Audience - Blog

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Brand Messaging 

Telling your company’s brand story in an engaging and consistent manner can be challenging, but it is crucial for marketers to successfully articulate to consumers who the business is, what it does, and why it is different from competitors. The way businesses communicate with their consumers is by developing and implementing a communication plan that is called their brand messaging. According to HubSpot, brand messaging is the way your brand communicates its values and personality to its target audience in a way that will inspire and motivate them to purchase your product. 


Brand messaging is the cumulation of the tone of voice, communication style, language, design, and messaging pillars that tell the story of who the brand is. This messaging creates a way to express the brand’s values, vision, and mission and form deeper connections with consumers. 

Importance of Brand Messaging 

Brand messaging ultimately shapes how consumers feel about your brand and determines if they are willing to interact with it. Having clear, consistent, and meaningful messages helps your brand resonate with your target audience and strengthen the company’s reputation. It is crucial for marketers to create messages that their target audience will react and relate to. A brand identity that your audience can relate to is how you remain relevant to consumers and build loyal customers. Also, creating consistent brand messages assists in telling the company’s story across all consumer touchpoints, from an email marketing message to the brand’s website to messages on the brand’s social media channels. 

Building Your Brand Message Framework 

The two most important aspects to consider when building a framework of how to craft your brand messaging are understanding your brand’s unique value proposition and knowing your intended target audience 


1.  Unique Value Proposition

A company’s unique value proposition (UVP) clearly articulates to customers how they will benefit from your offerings, how your products or service will address their needs and wants, how it will solve their problems, and what makes your offering different from any competitors. When writing any marketing messages for your brand, it is important to keep in mind your UVP and incorporate it into your messages. A messaging framework that revolves around your company’s unique proposition helps promote what the company brings to the public and will be a general guide for your communication strategy. 


2.  Target Audience

To accurately define your messaging framework you must identify and be well acquainted with who your target audience is. The first step to defining your audience is creating customer personas that represent who your customers are and what their needs, wants, and goals are. Your customer personas should be created through market research and by discovering consumer preferences, buying behaviors, and expectations. By conducting research and creating your customer personas, you can find an alignment between your brand and your customers. This alignment is where you can create your brand messages that will truly speak to, be relevant, and resonate with your audience. 

-Claire Clark 

Claire Clark Headshot