Nex-Tech Wireless is the premier wireless provider for rural Western Kansas and Eastern Colorado. Nex-Tech Wireless identified a need for improved wireless services in rural communities and they have sought to meet those needs since 2004. They focus on providing their customers with cutting-edge technology such as 4G LTE data, the latest wireless equipment as well as competitive wireless plans with nationwide coverage. Nex-Tech Wireless – doing wireless differently.
*Nex-Tech Wireless is a subsidiary of Rural Telephone/Nex-Tech, Golden Belt Telephone, Mutual Telephone and Tri-County Telephone
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Releasing a new campaign video two times annually is an ambitious undertaking and one that we were excited to participate in for NTW. To accomplish the video project goals, we engage our video production partners and together handle every aspect of the video production. From conceptualizing and storyboarding to cast identification and production planning we, as they say, “do it all” to accomplish meaningful video messaging that speaks to the audience.
New Store Announcement
Given the task of crafting enticing print materials to announce the opening of a new store in Emporia, KS, our team employed vivid and crisp visuals paired with the company's bright green.

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