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  • When a Pandemic Teaches Marketing Lessons

    While these are bizarre and scary times, they have helped to reveal some hopeful truths to the world of business--more specifically, small business.

    Digital Marketing

  • MKTG 101: Elements of a Marketing Strategy

    Marketing is a broad and diverse buzzword that can describe everything from advertising, distribution, branding, pricing, and product design. Regardless of the types of decisions you might be making within this “umbrella,” the strategic portion of these decisions is vital, but often confusing.

  • 2020 Empower Team

    For our 2020 Empower Program, JNT selected six K-State students to serve as interns for four
    weeks. The interns worked in teams to help Kansas Archery Center and Palen Farms create new
    websites and expand on other marketing skills, including social media strategies and promotion
    tools. Our interns also attended Lunch and Learns with various local companies and
    participated in fun team events, such as LOCKED, FootGolf, MHK Brewery Tour, Kestrel Drone,
    and VR In-Motion.  
    Introducing our 2020 Empower Interns...

  • Andrea: Where is She now?

    2019 Empower intern set to head to Lincoln, NE for Master's Program.

  • MHK Favorite Takes On New Look & New Name

    Empower interns work closely with Little Apple Brewing Company to create a brand new look and website. 

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